Susanne Alexander
Kate Barton
Frank Beaver
Judy Bettencourt
Foster Bidwell
Fostina Bidwell
Charles Carrington
Ray Chambers
Denise Conway (Nelson)
Steve Diel
Leo Flaherty
Brad Flanary
Nita Fox
Jon Frese
Pat Gallagher
Kathleen Gassner
Rita Glenn (Barry)
Mary Hale
Gordon Hansen
Dwayne Harris
Judy Harshman (Brunk)
Carol Hasbrook
Ron (Butch) Hoagland
Carol Howard
Tom Johnston
Ann Jones (Anderson)
Kathy Kinney
Mary Klum (Dillardon)
Patricia Kruegar
Dorothy Laird (Gariti)
Barbara Libel
Kim Lundgren
Gail Marr (Branch)
Darla McElroy
Kathy Miller (Putney)
Ron Murphy
Craig Neilsen
Nadine Oldacker (Miller)
Keith Palmer
Ron Rainey
Diane Reiten
Diane Robinson (Dilibertos)
Carol Rupp (Nelson)
Connie Smith (Morgan)
Kathy Stanton
Sandra Thompson
Jo Ann Turner
Sally Verley (Haney)
Michela Watts (Al Alderman)
Sharon Wilson (Burden)
If you have any ideas about how we might get in touch with any of the folks listed
above, please let us know - or ask them to contact us! Many thanks.