Customized 1951 Mercury. Vrooooom.
What are the top five
(or ten, or whatever)
memories you have
of your high school years
at Bend Senior High School?
Write them here,
and we'll add them to the site!
(Please don't forget to add your name! Thanks!)
Yes, Tom Riley, we did see Fats, & Bruce Evers, as you tried to block me, it felt soooo soft. Hope
to see you all in a couple of weeks. Bill Morton
A number of the teachers left impressions on me,
both physically and mentally. Mr. Moss, Principal of Kenwood left an impression on my rear end after I waded the Deschutes
after a baseball hit over the fence. Did Miss Veatch ever sneak up behind you like she did me and give a knuckle in
the head? Mr. Lloyd Reed always had a way of bringing outsized egos into perspective, and Paul Smith who taught shop taught me so much
about patience. Elizabeth Cady was so good at working with teenagers.
When I mention in conversation that I grew up in Bend, Oregon in the 1950's,
I often hear that it must have been a nice experience. I always reply that it was paradise but we didn't know it.
We had the safety of close community, a beautiful setting, wonderful education. Bruce Evers
Memories: Remember ice
skating on the laundromat field? We skated at noon, for PE, after school and til about 10 at night. There was music
and a fire and a little snack shack. Sandy Larson
Memories: In 9th grade English, we put on a play and Mike
Jeffers and I had been absent so they made us extras and we used charcoal makeup on our faces and arms. Then it wouldn't come
off and we got to go home and we walked thru town like that. At home it made a huge mess in the bathtub. Sandy Larson
Memories: White buck shoes
and rolled down socks, pleated Pendleton skirts, cruising - the parade of cars on the main drag on weekend evenings, and the
cars (!), the magnificent cars (!) - all of these were completely new to this girl from the east coast, and I was charmed.
Anne Crenshaw Morin
Memories: We had a lot of fun at the Monday night Moose dances. We used to go to the
dances in groups of girls (or boys) and the boys lined up on one side of the room and we sat in chairs on the other side,
and most of the time we watched the older kids dance. They always played "Goodnight Irene" as the last song, and we would
say "Ohhhhh (too bad it's over)" to ourselves. Sandy Larson
I remember "walking the halls" in the old high school.
It was a big deal to walk with the person you "liked" and if they asked you to walk the halls with them it was as good as
a date. We would walk on the right side and watch everyone on the opposite side. We were 8th graders in a 5-year high school
so it was really amazing to us. Sandy Larson
Memories: Thanks (to Sandy) who posted the
pictures from Kenwood; over the years, I've lost all of my Bend pictures, so these were good to see!
I definitely remember the Moose dances, Clausen's and the Redmond Air Base
dances. Does anyone remember another place that had live music in Bend? I think it was just past the underpass
and by the railroad tracks. I think it was owned by the Boese family. In fact, I think I saw Fats Domino there!
Tom Riley
Memories: Wow, Tom? Really? Fats
himself. Sorry I missed that. That's so cool! He's one of my all-time favorite musicians. One of his
sax players, Reggie Houston, is a friend of my daughter, Nico, who is also a professional musician. She sometimes plays
with Reggie, who is still making those happy sounds around Portland! Anne Crenshaw Morin
I remember the ice skating but at a much earlier age, like 9 years old & I was a very good skater. My parents would take
us. My sister was a few years older & I knew so many of them. They would put me on the end of the
line for "Crack the
Whip" too see how many at the end would fall off. I usually stayed on unless someone in front fell off.
Also, I can't remember her last name but Goldie's father was the person that had the trailer snack shack. They had wonderful
popcorn. Goldie was also in our class in grade school. Brenda Rixe Chapin
Memories: Remember Clausen's
Midget Drive-in & all of Earl Clausen's model cars on the shelves inside; their wonderful plain hambugers & cherry
cokes? The Tastee
Freeze & their great french fries.
Memories: Anyone want to admit gong to the dances at the Redmond
Air Base. Wow!
Memories: Am I crazy, or don't I remember
a Tom Tom Restaurant / Drive-in where all the cars would growl around and we used to flirt like crazy? Anne Crenshaw
Memories: (Hello from Class of 58) I live 3000 miles away so
have only been back to Bend for the 1958 50th. It was a total shock. I could not find anything. There were houses or golf
courses where I use to chase jackrabbits or go fishing. People will keep in touch if they can e-mail direct. I have two boats
and still freshwater and salt water fish. I am still a kid at heart. I keep in touch with
Pat Kelly and Bob Dunlap Fonda who is now up in Washington State and Betty Larson who lives over on
the big island. Before your time at Bend High the girls in home ec used to cook and we would get split peas to shoot in class.
I took typing and the girl that sat in front of me had pigtails and I would wind one up in the typewriter or drop it in the
inkwell or put a pencil through the braid. I got hit with the ruler a few times. (No Name Submitted)